Tag Archives: Literature

EdGamer 92: Pete Figtree Discusses Role-Playing Games in Literature

Pete Figtree of Ruthless Diastema is our guest this week on EdGamer 92.  Pete has a great Games and Learning  blog and podcast.  We have a lot in common, but Pete has focused on a specific gaming genre for his high school English and Language Arts classroom….role-playing games.  He loves using non-digital Indie games to assess his students’ learning in literature.  Tabletop games, cards, and dice are commonly seen in Pete’s classroom and his students enjoy.  … Read the rest

Why Education Gives Me a Rush

In the winter of my sophomore year in high school a friend of mine, Brian, was driving me to a performance.  We were part of a dance ensemble in high school.  It was something like Glee, but not as fancy.  Brian was driving his Porsche 914, it was the Porsche that had the engine in the back and it was very light.  I think he took me along because I added weight to the car, which helped with the traction.  … Read the rest