Tag Archives: board games

EdGamer 16: Vader vs. Shakespeare

EdGamer will not be heard in its entirety.  Half of EdGamer 16 has disapparated (Harry Potter terminology) into the unknown.  The show will end a little after the 35 minute mark.  Gerry and I had a few issues with Skype and all seemed well with our recording until I went to edit the show.  Our last Skype hiccup stopped my recording even though the recording program still showed that all operations were normal.  … Read the rest

EdGamer Episode 13: Have Board – Will Game

Do you have trouble getting access to technology, within your school, for gaming? Board games offer a simple and nice alternative for gaming in the classroom. Gerry and I discuss our childhood board gaming experiences, which includes Candy Land and Axis and Allies. We explain why board games should be part of your classroom resources and how they can lead to learning.… Read the rest