EdGamer Episode 6: Sending Our Kids to the Mines


You wanted more…you got it! Last week we on EdGamer we discussed a teacher from NYC who was using the game Minecraft in his elementary school classes. In this episode of EdGamer we are happy to introduce our first guest…the “Minecraft Teachr” himself…Joel Levin from Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School in NYC. Listen in as Joel joins us and talks about his experiences with Minecraft, the benefits of gaming in education, and how to go about using Minecraft in YOUR classroom. Don’t miss Episode 6 of EdGamer!

Thought of the week– Listen and you will see why our guests should only be named Gerry.

http://www.minecraft.net/ – official Minecraft site
http://www.minecraftwiki.net – comprehensive Minecraft Wiki
http://www.minecraftforum.net/ – very active Minecraft forums


5 thoughts on “EdGamer Episode 6: Sending Our Kids to the Mines”

  1. Great podcast, even for a rank amateur like me.  Still coming to grips with the potential of this for a primary school (elementary) 

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